
18 from September from 2024

Carpinangola at FILDA 2024: Launch of the new NTM - New Tech Med - Hospital Furniture Line

Carpinangola made a strong impression at the 39th edition of the Luanda International Fair (FILDA 2024) with the launch of its latest innovation in the healthcare sector: the NTM - New Tech Med line. This brand, fully developed in Angola, places Carpinangola at the forefront of hospital furniture production, directly contributing to the enhancement of the country’s healthcare sector.

08 from February from 2024

Kick Off of CarpinAngola 2024: Aligning Strategies and Setting Goals

On February 2nd, CarpinAngola held its traditional Kick Off, marking the beginning of a new year of work.

07 from February from 2024

Quality, Environment, and Safety Policy

The Quality, Environment, and Safety (QES) Policy of Carpinangola is our unwavering commitment to the highest standards in every aspect of our work. Since our foundation in 2010, we have operated in the Angolan market, focusing on the production, commercialization, and assembly of carpentry and furniture articles made from solid wood, wood derivatives, and phenolic resins.

18 from October from 2022

The internationalization of CarpinAngola - interview with Jornal Mercado

In an interview with Mercado newspaper, Carlos Leite, Coordinating Director of Grupo Casais, shared that “CarpinAngola has a range of products associated with the carpentry area, from wardrobes, kitchens and coverings.

01 from May from 2022

CarpinAngola wants to increase turnover and reach USD 10 million this yea

Interviewed for Jornal Expansão, last April, Bruno Santos (CarpinAngola General Director) talks about the company's prospects for 2022.

31 from March from 2022

CarpinAngola at the II Industry Forum 

Always paying attention to all the news in the industrial sector, CarpinAngola participated in the II INDÚSTRIA FORUM, organized by the newspaper Expansão at the end of March, this year dedicated to the theme “Priorities for Industrial Development. Actions and Projects”.

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